Someone Is Helping You, Wendy Osher.
I'm Lovin' It, Evander Greenfield
Text Messages, Liz Rywelski
slo·gan·eer (slg-nîr)
n. A person who invents or uses slogans.
An exhibition of artists exploring the visual engineering of language: text that acts like image, image that encompasses text: containing the trigger for a broad host of engineered associations.
This exhibition was presented at DCAC as part of a Warhol Foundation Curatorial Initiative Grant.
Artists: Larry Krone, Ginger Brooks Takahashi, Wendy Osher, Julia Dzwonkoski and Kye Potter, Evan Greenfield, Liz Rywelski and Lou Laurita
The exhibition has an accompanying publication, with a curatorial essay. You can view it (and download it) in full here.
November - December, 2008.
Exhibition publication cover.
Whoever Finds This Will Live Forever, Julia Dzwonkoski & Kye Potter
Sloganeers installation shot with Lou Laurita painting and Evander Greenfield sculpture.
I Disagree, Larry Krone
I No We Can Reign Here, Ginger Takahashi