Someone Is Helping You, Wendy Osher.

Someone Is Helping You, Wendy Osher.

I'm Lovin' It, Evander Greenfield

I'm Lovin' It, Evander Greenfield

Text Messages, Liz Rywelski

Text Messages, Liz Rywelski


slo·gan·eer (slg-nîr)
n. A person who invents or uses slogans.
An exhibition of artists exploring the visual engineering of language: text that acts like image, image that encompasses text: containing the trigger for a broad host of engineered associations.

This exhibition was presented at DCAC as part of a Warhol Foundation Curatorial Initiative Grant.

Artists: Larry Krone, Ginger Brooks Takahashi, Wendy Osher, Julia Dzwonkoski and Kye Potter, Evan Greenfield, Liz Rywelski and Lou Laurita

The exhibition has an accompanying publication, with a curatorial essay.  You can view it (and download it) in full here.

November - December, 2008.

Exhibition publication cover.

Exhibition publication cover.

Whoever Finds This Will Live Forever, Julia Dzwonkoski & Kye Potter

Whoever Finds This Will Live Forever, Julia Dzwonkoski & Kye Potter

Sloganeers installation shot with Lou Laurita painting and Evander Greenfield sculpture.

Sloganeers installation shot with Lou Laurita painting and Evander Greenfield sculpture.

I Disagree, Larry Krone

I Disagree, Larry Krone

I No We Can Reign Here, Ginger Takahashi

I No We Can Reign Here, Ginger Takahashi